
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

HISTORY'S TIPS: Vortices of the Past, 12.16.09

by Guy Roginson,

Clear props!  We have finally received the approval letter to use City of Prescott documents, pictures, etc. to begin publishing Prescott's rich and unique aviation history to the web!  All of this of course could not have happened without all the hard work, dedication and knowledge of Nancy Burgess, Historical Preservation Specialist, City of Prescott,AZ.  Nancy, from all us wing nuts and air-heads, and respective pets who love to fly, THANK YOU!

The pile of documents is ominous, the historical photos dating back to 1913 are marvelous and I am almost as excited about this project as I was on my first solo (had a runway incursion on my first solo so that was just a little more exciting!)  Nonetheless, I don't know any pilot or aviation buff that doesn't drool at a black and white photo of a an old bi-Plane---no radio, no GPS, no FAA, no medicals, those were the days!!

Pictured right, top, Ernest A. Love in cockpit,1917.
Pictured right, bottom, Ernest A. Love's Field Dedication, Boeing PW-90,1928.

So CLEAR PROP! We're on our way to bringing a set of new wings to Prescott's unique and rich aviation history!!  Scan the web's horizons for frequent "History Tips: Vortices of the Past".

Got some aviation history for us from the State of Arizona or Prescott, help us out! Contact Us!

*Photos may not be copied or used without the expressed written consent of the City of Prescott, AZ.  Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Look forward to all the treasures you are unfolding to share with everyone. It is wonderful that the history of the airport is being preserved into modern ways so generations to come can appreciate it! Thank you!