
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bring EXTRA Aircraft to Prescott


As the politicians continue their partisan rhetoric about bringing in EXTRA AIRCRAFT to Prescott, here's our opinion:

Prescott is not only a tourism destination and retirement community, it's an incredible aviation and aerospace community. Prescott would be a perfect fit for Extra and vice versa. Extra would bring 100+ jobs paying $30,000 and up.

All the major principals at the airport such as Embry Riddle, Legend Aviation, Guidance Aviation and NorthAire would benefit. Extra would benefit as it would have a pool of graduates from these organizations to hire from.

We've heard some compare this to the Trader Joe's deal. That's simply not logical. Creating an aerospace center here in Prescott is a no brainer as Prescott is already a leader in flight training and aeronautical engineering. There would be no better place for an aircraft manufacturer to build it's product and brand it than amongst the future leaders of aviation.

It's time to start investing in something that's already built and established -The Prescott Airport and Air Park. Moreover, a well developed aerospace park / center would attract even MORE students to the Prescott Airport. More students, more visiting families, increased tourism, increased visibility for tourism, etc..

Prescott has, without a doubt, one of the most unique airports in the country. It's one of the busiest because of flight training. Our region is home to Lockheed Martin Flight Service. Prescott is the gateway to Sedona and the Grand Canyon and the flying weather is second to none in the country. It's time we invest in aerospace here in Prescott for all the right reasons.

Clear prop!

Related Links:
Visit Prescott
Guidance Helicopters
Guidance Aviation
Legend Aviation

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